Cookie Disclaimer

Cookies are set on this site to perform functionality.

Some pages use third party services or software, such as maps, online videos or social networking features.

Many of these services may set cookies in your browser.
Google Analytics

Cookie name(s)
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz
Data stored
A random unique number or string of letters and numbers to identify your browser, the times and dates that you interacted with the site recently and the marketing materials or referring pages that led you to the site.
When does it expire?
The longest lasting cookie expires 2 years after your last visit to the website. Others are deleted 6 months, 30 minutes and the moment you close your browser.
Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”), to help us see how our website is used. In doing so information about your use of our website, including your IP address, may be transmitted to Google and stored on servers in the United States. The data collected by Google Analytics is used to analyse how frequently the same people revisit this website, how the website is found (from advertising or referring websites), and which pages are most frequently viewed. This information is combined with data from thousands of other users to create an overall picture of website use, and is never identified individually or personally and is not linked to any other information we store about you.

Google’s privacy policy
Opt out of Google Analytics

Google Calendar

Cookie name(s)
__utmz, __utma, __utmb, N_T, PP_TOS_ACK, SNID, GAPS, NID, PREF, S
Data stored
Various unique identifiers, except for PREF which stores your options such as preferred zoom level.
When does it expire
All the cookies are immediately deleted or expire within 4 months, except for PREF and GAPS, which last for 2 years.
Google set a number of cookies on any page that includes a Google Calendar. While we have no control over the cookies set by Google, they appear to include a mixture of pieces of information to measure the number and behaviour of Google Calendar users, as well as information about which calendar you are viewing, and which tab you are currently on.

Google Maps

Cookie name(s)
Data stored
Various unique identifiers, except for PREF which stores your options such as preferred zoom level.
When does it expire?
Most of the cookies expire 10 years after your last visit to a page containing a Google Map.
Google set a number of cookies on any page that includes a Google Map. While we have no control over the cookies set by Google, they appear to include a mixture of pieces of information to measure the number and behaviour of Google Maps users.

Google’s Privacy Policy


Cookie name(s)
SID, LOGIN_INFO, use_hotbox, PREF, SSID, HSID, watched_video_id_list, __utma, __utmz, demographics, VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE
Data stored
Various unique identifiers, as well as login information that may relate to a Google account.
When does it expire?
Most of the cookies expire 10 years after your last visit to a page containing a Youtube video, although some expire sooner.
Google set a number of cookies on any page that includes a Youtube video. While we have no control over the cookies set by Google, they appear to include a mixture of pieces of information to measure the number and behaviour of Youtube users, including information that links your visits to our website with your Google account if you are signed in to one. Information about your use of our website, including your IP address, may be transmitted to Google and stored on servers in the United States.This cookie does not identify you personally unless you are logged into Google, in which case it is linked to your Google account.

Google’s Privacy Policy
Opt out of Google Analytics


Cookie name(s)
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz, __qca, disqus_unique, UIDR, mc, UID, testCookie
Data stored
Unique numbers that identify your browser and interaction history, and a unique ID that identifies our service.
When does it expire?
The __utma, -b, -c, -v and -z cookies have the same expiration as our Google Analytics cookies. __qca expires 26 years after your last visit to a page containing Disqus, while disqus unique expires in 6 months.
Disqus set a number of cookies on any page that includes a Disqus comment box. While we have no control over the cookies set by Disqus, they appear to include a mixture of pieces of information to measure the number and behaviour of Disqus users, including information that links your visits to our website with your Google, Facebook, Twitter or Disqus account if you are signed in to one. This cookie does not identify you personally unless you are logged into Disqus, in which case it is linked to your Disqus, Google, Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Disqus’ privacy policy


Cookie name(s)
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz, SERVERID, UID, UIDR, mc
Data stored
Unique numbers that identify your browser and interaction history, and a unique ID that identifies our service.
When does it expire?
SERVERID and __utmc expire when you close your browser. __utmb expires in 30 minutes. __utmz expires in 6 months. mc expires in 5 years, and the rest expire 2 years after your last visit to a page that contains a Slideshare slideshow.
Slideshare set a number of cookies on any page that includes a Slideshare comment box. While we have no control over the cookies set by Slideshare, they appear to include a mixture of pieces of information to measure the number and behaviour of Slideshare users, including information that links your visits to our website with your Facebook or Slideshare account if you are signed in to one. This cookie does not identify you personally unless you are logged into Slideshare, in which case it is linked to your Slideshare and/or Facebook account. The mc cookie set by quantserve appears to be related to advertising, and may track your behaviour on our website. The UID and UIDR cookies set by scorecard research appear to be related to market research, and may track your behaviour on our website.

Slideshare’s Privacy Policy
Opt out of quantserve/quantcast tracking
Opt out of scorecard research tracking


Cookie name(s)
Data stored
Unique numbers that identify your browser and interaction history.
When does it expire?
mc expires in 5 years after your last visit to a page that contains an Issuu document.
Issuu set a number of cookies on any page that includes a Issuu comment box. While we have no control over the cookies set by Issuu, they appear to include a mixture of pieces of information to measure the number and behaviour of Issuu users, including information that links your visits to our website with your Facebook or Issuu account if you are signed in to one. This cookie does not identify you personally unless you are logged into Issuu, in which case it is linked to your Issuu and/or Facebook account. The mc cookie set by quantserve appears to be related to advertising, and may track your behaviour on our website.

Slideshare’s privacy policy
Opt out of quantserve/quantcast tracking


Cookie name(s)
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv, __utmz, last_page, embed_preferences, has_logged_in, stats_start_date, stats_end_date, CAL, GAPS, N_T, S_adsense, adsenseReferralSourceId, adsenseReferralSubId, adsenseReferralUrl, adsenseReferralUrlQuery, APISID, HSID, NID, PREF, SAPISID, SID, SNID, SSID
Data stored
Various alphanumeric unique identifiers, date of use information, list of viewing settings for the video being viewed, Vimeo and Google Adsense alphanumeric authenticating tokens.
When does it expire?
There are some cookies that expire 10 years after first viewing a Vimeo video while most of them expire between a few days for up to two years after the last viewing of a Vimeo video.
Vimeo sets a number of cookies on any page that embeds a Vimeo video. While we have no control over these cookies, they appear to include a mixture of pieces of information to measure the number and behaviour of Vimeo viewers, to hold information about current viewing video settings as well as a personal identification token, if you are logged into Vimeo. Furthermore, a set of cookies regarding Google Adsense advertising campaigns might be set, which contain identifiers that record user browsing behaviour.

Vimeo’s Privacy Policy
Vimeo’s Cookie Policy

Traveline Scotland

Cookie name(s)
Data stored
Alphanumeric unique session identifier.
When does it expire?
When the browser window closes.
Traveline Scotland sets a cookie on any page that embeds a journey planner widget. While we have no control over this cookie, it appears to store information for differentiating each visitor session so that they don’t have to re-enter information. Removing this cookie won’t affect the overall behavior of the widget.

Traveline Scotland’s Cookie Policy


Cookie name(s)
LTAnonSessionID, cookie_from
Data stored
URL information and unique numeric identifier.
When does it expire?
Both cookies expire a year after they are set up.
Librarything sets two cookies that hold information regarding the URL of the webpage that embeds the service and a unique identifier to record visits of visitors.

LibraryThing Privacy Policy

Durante la tua vostra navigazione su questo sito internet, acquisiamo alcuni dati, come l’indirizzo IP del tuo computer e le pagine del sito visitate.
Questi dati vengono raccolti esclusivamente per assicurarci che il sito sia funzionante e navigabile in modo corretto. Per questo non raccogliamo alcun dato per fini commerciali né per l’identificazione dell’utente, che resta quindi anonimo.
Informazioni di questo tipo sono presenti in appositi log e possono essere comunicate solo all’autorità giudiziaria, nel casi previsti dalla legge.

Cosa sono i Cookie
I cookie sono delle informazioni scambiate tra il nostro server e il tuo computer e permettono di creare delle statistiche sulle aree del sito visitate dagli utenti in modo anonimo.
I dati raccolti vengono poi letti in forma aggregata per comprendere l’efficienza del sito e il livello di esperienza di navigazione.
I cookie utilizzati quindi non contengono nessuna informazione personale sugli utenti.
La maggior parte dei browser è in grado di rilevare nuovi cookie e di chiederne o meno l’accettazione.
Se hai impostato il browser in modo da non accettare cookie l’interazione con il sito potrebbe essere difficoltosa.

Quali Cookie utilizziamo e perché
Per la misurazione dei dati di navigazione utilizziamo i 4 cookie di Google Analytics: di seguito le rispettive caratteristiche.

Nome Cookie Scadenza preimpostata Scopo Altre informazioni
__utma 2 anni dalla prima installazione o aggiornamento Usato per distinguere gli utenti dalle sessioni. Il cookie viene creato quando il javascript esegue un controllo sull’esistenza di cookie __utma. Il cookie viene aggiornato ogni volta che il dato viene inviato a Google Analytics.
__utmb 30 minuti dalla prima installazione o update Usato per determinare le nuove sessioni/visite. Il cookie viene creato quando il javascript esegue un controllo sull’esistenza di cookie __utma. Il cookie viene aggiornato ogni volta che il dato viene inviato a Google Analytics.
__utmc Fino alla fine della sessione di navigazione Usato per determinare le nuove sessioni/visite. Il cookie funziona come __utmb e serve per assicurare la leggibilità del dato sulle nuove sessioni e visite anche nel caso di codice Analytics obsolete.
__utmz 6 mesi dalla prima installazione o aggiornamento Determina la provenienza di una visita al proprio sito (es. da motore di ricerca o da un annuncio) Il cookie viene creato quando il javascript viene eseguito e viene aggiornato ogni volta che il dato viene inviato a Google Analytics.

Per disattivare invece i cookie di Google Analytics visita questa pagina:

Cookie dei Social Network
In alcune pagine del sito sono presenti i pulsanti di condivisione sui maggiori Social Network: in questo caso i cookies generati appartengono al Social Network selezionato di volta in volta.
Per maggiori informazioni puoi visitare le seguenti pagine:

Via Pascoli, 8 - 30020 Quarto d'Altino (Venezia)
Tel.: +39 0422 828120 - Fax: +39 0422 782711
Email: - PEC: